There can be something pathetic about inheritors of great wealth. Doug Meyers plaintively trying to bring us to an appreciation of the awesome responsibilities that beset the...
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It was the rhinoceros beetle that took me to the Pacific, though chance and kind friends played their part.
As a topic form my MSc thesis, I had hoped to get something that...
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Jerome K Jerome, whom most people older than me will remember as the author of “Three Men in a Boat”, also wrote an essay on shyness, and in it dwelt on the burden...
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He is an old man now, well into his sixties. He had a stroke about ten years ago which has left him rather gaunt, but he is still erect, tall even for a Samoan, and hhe tretains...
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The people of the Tokelaus provide a tidy example of how mankind can exist in perpetuity within a minimal environment. They exist on three atolls about 500 kms north of Samoa,...
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