The young fellow who came to us in the morning to ask if we would like a tour of the city was tall and blond, and smartly dressed in a well cut suit, whose jacket had however...
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Though life has brought me close to several of the world's great catastrophes it has so far spared me involvement in any of them. We had left Czechoslovakia in 1967 a good...
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For the first twenty years of my life, my father kept a cow. Not the same cow of course, but a succession of cows, one at a time. This must have taken a good deal of...
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Sometimes you get lucky. At one time they offered to send me to Uganda to train the local staff in the mysteries of “plant protection”. Plant protection is the art...
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It was a matter of chance that we got to Cyprus at all.. I was due to make my second trip to Syria, and I had phoned Ed Feliu in Rome to see if he could arrange it so that the...
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