In Damascus of course we visited the great Mosque, and saw the ornately grilled structure within it that is supposed to contain the remains of John the Baptist. Since he was...
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Most kids were a lot better at throwing stones than me. When they threw a stone it went hard and straight and pretty much to where they wanted it to. They could hit the cups on...
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I never found out why they sent me to Syria. Perhaps something in my first report on Korea, from which the Korean authorities seem to have gleaned with joy the impression that I...
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In the days before colour TV there was a fairly limited range of amusements for dairy farmers. Tied to the two milking times each day for most of the year, they were lucky if...
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Primary education up till the 1960’s was largely concerned with mastery of the pen and ink, and we made some monumental messes. When I first went to school in 1934...
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