You never know, as the Public Trust will assure you, what life will throw at you.
An entomological friend of ours was ill advised enough to take his wife with him on an...
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My tertiary education has been a slow and tedious process, spanning in all some 44 years. It was slow because for the first four years I didn’t understand what learning...
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In the elections of 1986 the Mount Albert Labour Party elected me to the Mount Albert City Council. This was a totally new experience for me, and I approached the task with a...
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I recently saw again the Grand Pacific Hotel, languishing after ten years of neglect, with green algae growing up its once immaculate walls, and bidding fair to meet up with the...
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He had nothing to carry him along but a sharp mind, and unbounded enthusiasm. His mother must have died when he was very young and his father put him into a catholic orphanage...
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