Perhaps I had it luckier than most. Koreans offer a lot to the aged, and since I was already sixty when I first went there and my face was already thoroughly lined they could...
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He had nothing to carry him along but a sharp mind, and unbounded enthusiasm. His mother must have died when he was very young and his father put him into a catholic orphanage...
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Sometimes you get lucky. At one time they offered to send me to Uganda to train the local staff in the mysteries of “plant protection”. Plant protection is the art...
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I can't remember who said that statistics will prove anything you want them to prove, but perhaps he was on to something. Whatever problem you happen to be working on, if you...
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We’ve lived in eight houses since we were married in 1955, and it is possible we may yet shift again before we are returned to our maker. Five of them were rented, three...
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