
united nations

The contents of this page relate to united nations.

World Food Programme

One wonders whether the World Food Programme isn't run by a group of half-witted shopkeepers. When they learn that some of the poorest countries are short of grain, their immediate reaction is to buy grain and ship it to them. Of course the easiest grain to get hold of, and the cheapest to buy is that derived from diseased crops. If there is...


It was a matter of chance that we got to Cyprus at all.. I was due to make my second trip to Syria, and I had phoned Ed Feliu in Rome to see if he could arrange it so that the Syria trip could follow on from my third visit to Korea. As it happened Frank Strong, the Canadian entomologist I had worked with in Korea, was sitting in Ed’s...


Perhaps I had it luckier than most. Koreans offer a lot to the aged, and since I was already sixty when I first went there and my face was already thoroughly lined they could easily see that the whiteness of my hair was not a result of sudden fright. Pretty girls would stand up and offer me their seats on the bus. Of course they assume that for...

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