It seems strange doesn’t it, that there should be people in your own family that you grew up with but never really got to know. Alan was seven years older than me, and...
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The people of the Tokelaus provide a tidy example of how mankind can exist in perpetuity within a minimal environment. They exist on three atolls about 500 kms north of Samoa,...
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I built a little hut on my bit of land and made it as comfortable as I could. It had a pair of bunks, (salvaged from the bach), at one end; a bench with sink, (salvaged from a...
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The Brahmaputra, where it flows through Bangladesh is more like a lake than a river. Well over a mile wide, its muddy waters stretch like an ocean of warm milky tea as far as...
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In Damascus of course we visited the great Mosque, and saw the ornately grilled structure within it that is supposed to contain the remains of John the Baptist. Since he was...
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